
He knows the drill

A 2.5 hour drive somehow seems much longer when you are transporting two kids under the age of 4. Thankfully the new dual screen DVD player we purchased for the minivan makes the trip seem short again. We managed the entire return trip without even stopping for a potty break, all thanks to The Heffalump Movie, and Toy Story 2 (and The Boy’s bladder of steel). Necessity? No. Worth every penny? Yes!

As we drove to daycare this morning, The Boy was working through the absence of his new beloved gadgets, and it went something like this:

The Boy: We only have the DVDs when we are going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house?
Me: Yes, only when we go on long trips
The Boy: Maybe when we go to XX Grandma and Grandpa’s house?
Me: Yes, when we go to XX Grandma and Grandpa’s house we will have the DVD player
The Boy: Yes, we will have the DVDs when we go to XX, to YY, and to ZZ! Right?
Me: Yes, that is right
The Boy: When we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house we will take the van, not your car Mommy.
Me: Yes

He knows the drill.

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