
A token January post

There are no excuses, I've just been absent. Work is busier than ever before blah blah blah blah blah. I will spare you the details. My Mom informed me that there was no new content here, which I knew but it served as a reminder that I should try to revive this poor neglected blog. I have thoughts of just completely giving up on it. I get a fair amount of hits when I am active here, but I'm not sure that is enough for me to keep writing here. I had lots of ideas for posts in the beginning, but now nothing comes to me, or rather things come to me but I find that I just don't expend the energy to post them.

I actually had grand ideas of starting a second blog devoted to the working/traveling Mom, but I seriously don't know how I would manage another blog since I can't manage this one. I'm on night number four of this business trip. It has been long. I miss the kids. I miss T. I miss my own home and my routines. The positive thought for tonight is that I get to go home tomorrow. I'll get to see the kids in person rather than through the grainy webcam Skype call. That thought gets me through, makes me smile, and makes me push through the trip. I think I need to travel again this month, but it will be a much shorter trip. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. I think I will find a way off of the traveling road eventually, but I'm not there yet.


  1. Nice to see you! Hang in there. The traveling sounds like a tough gig.

  2. Oh - I can't imagine traveling with little ones at home . . . I did it when married with no kids and I hated it . . . with kids it would just be too tough . . . hugs to you and hopin' for a much bigger light at the end of the travel tunnel!


  3. I totally know what you mean about not having any more energy for optional stuff like your blog. I am glad you had a chance to post. I really need to check out the whole Skype scene. Did you ever set up a slingbox for when you travel?
