
Super Why!

Move over Tyrone, Tasha, Uniqua, Austin, and Pablo, you’ve been replaced as the most beloved in our DVR line-up. Super Whyatt (not my spelling error) has come to town, and The Boy is in love with him. He has figured out how to run the DVR on his own, and can make Super Why appear on a whim. We have had to correct him several times, insisting that he must get permission from us before he watches a television show. It is a little cute, a little disturbing, and a little weird for me to see him so obsessed with something. He has never been one to fixate on one thing for a prolonged period (well he has held on rather strongly to the notion that if he asks for something for Christmas it will appear under our tree Christmas morning…boy is he going to be disappointed when he doesn’t get the 5000 things he has asked for already).

T’s Mom is busy making The Boy a Super Why costume for Halloween, which has me hunting for plain green knit pajamas (which apparently don’t exist). The Boy is adamant that the costume be green with a BLUE cape, and that he have a green mask for over his eyes. He even made himself a “super computer” at daycare last week. An old cigar box with buttons (as in buttons from clothing) glued inside did the trick for him. He also begged his daycare provider to give him some letters so he could spell Super Why. Our DCP is not big on doing letter drills with the kids, since her daycare is modeled after a Waldorf style of play centered activities, but she did end up digging up some letters after he prodded her for a few days. He promptly found a “W” and a “Y” and told her that he just needed an “H” so he could spell Super Why. This is the same boy who got mad at me just a few months ago when I tried to get him to say the alphabet. He is now walking around saying “Ta ta, teeee, wuh, wuh, double-u.”

I have to say that I really believe that most of this is coming from just watching Super Why (albeit every single day). He did start preschool this year, but as far as I can tell they do not do any sort of letter drills just yet. It is shocking that a PBS show can really teach kids when they are ready for it (The Girl is not as big on the show…and would prefer to be watching The Backyardigans or Curious George, or anything else). Of course he has been playing on starfall occasionally for a few months, so perhaps the Super Why is just reinforcing things he has seen before…in a much more fun way. I guess it is okay for him to be focused on reading right now, even if it wasn’t my intent to force it upon him so soon. I really do want him to just be a kid, and to learn through play before classroom learning comes and takes the fun out of everything. I’m all at once happy that he is making such progress and sad that my little boy is getting sucked into the world of phonics.


  1. Oh no! Not Phonics! J/K...
    I haven't seen this show yet. I have to say that may favorite show right now is the Wonderpets. I even sing the song all the time.

  2. I feel your PJ pain. My 3 and 1/2 yr old son also has been bit by the Super Why fever and we found thermal pj'S at Target in the boys underwear section for $7. Smallest size is XS kids. That was as close as I could find.

  3. My boy (2 months shy of turning 4) is similarly OBSESSED. They do the alphabet at preschool, but this takes it to the next level. It's weird to see him so committed to it, but he is in LOVE with the concepts and so proud of himself for the knowledge. I can't help but think this is a GOOD THING. He wanted to be SuperWhy for Halloween too, but Mommy can't make a costume this year, so we've promised a SuperWhy themed birthday instead. Our bakery can duplicate photos on cakes, and we can do green and blue for everything else, he'll be happy.

  4. My son wanted to be SuperWhy for Halloween also. I was able to find kelly green unitards online at We Love Colors Inc. (welovecolors.com). Costume was pretty easy once I had the unitard. Just used a blue long sleeved shirt underneath and blue briefs and made felt cape,without any sewing needed, and was good to go
