
Remodel: What, is this week 6?

Oh, you knew it would happen, you knew I started out with remodel day one, remodel day two, then would jump to day 8, then day 20 didn’t you? Now it has been more than a week since I last shared any house progress. Part of that is just being insanely busy with work and at home, but the other part is that there just wasn’t much to say. We’d come home each day and the house would look more or less the same as when we’d left that morning. Not too exciting to blog about, so I’ve spared you the details. Things are getting interesting around here now though, so for your viewing pleasure I give you:

Drywall and hardwood flooring
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Coming up from the basement
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From the living room into the kitchen
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From the dining room into the kitchen
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The new sliding glass door off of the dining room
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Looking at the basement stairs...behold flooring!
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Just one random picture of the stucco work (that is now done, so the scaffolding is gone, but well I’m too lazy to go out in the heat to take a new picture)
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Oh, and because we didn’t have enough work to do we thought we would tackle building the Costco Sunray playset in time for The Boy’s birthday party next weekend. Surely T can fit that in along with painting the entire main floor of the house right?

The ground is not so level around here:
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But the extra dirt is great for building “mountains”
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  1. Wow, I love how airy the layout feels! Great design . . . we also now know how long that playset will take . . . ;)


  2. Wow, awesome! I remember when I was just some architectural plans and computer models. Looks great!
